воскресенье, 31 июля 2011 г.

Not only rails. Changes. Again.

There are too many changes in my life at last few months. Main subject - I changed my job.
Now I'm work at Kazan company - BARS group at Sr. Software Engineer position.
In our company we use Python as main programming language and Django - good web framework, based on the python 2.x version.
Stay tuned.

суббота, 2 апреля 2011 г.

Rails 3 find_by_sql multiple params

How to pass multiple params to the find_by_sql model method?

I've found this solution:

sql = "select q.id,q.date, qi.level from questions q, question_infos qi where q.date>=? and qi.level=?"

It's very simple:
Question.find_by_sql([sql, '2011-04-06', 1])

четверг, 10 февраля 2011 г.

Debian 6 is out

Debian 6 is out! Amazing, cool distribution, stable software, nice and fast work.
But on my laptop ThinkPad L412, Wi-Fi doesn't work... So keep Linux Mint on it.
Yesterday I've downloaded new Crunchbang Linux 20110207, based on Debian 6, but problem with Wi-Fi still exists.
BTW, I recommend Crunchbang for users with old PC's, because it very light and simple distribution with strong Debian base.