воскресенье, 12 декабря 2010 г.

Recommended Books and Tutorials

Often the first developer's question about new platform or framework about books and documentation.
Ruby very popular language, and of course RoR - very popular too.
I recommend this link and book, I'll hope, they can be helpful to you in studying:

1) http://railstutorial.org
2) Apress - Beginning Rails 3 (You can find this book on Amazon store).

About this blog

Hi. This is my first blog post.
My name is Marat, I'm a Software developer from Kazan, Russia.
This blog about my expirience in Ruby and Ruby and Rails.
I think RoR is a better framework for Web apps today.
Hints, tutorials, advices and many other useful things you can read here.
Stay tuned:)